From learning objectives to business metrics
After 30 years designing blended solutions to encourage behavioural change we’ve learned a few lessons. Generic, one size fits all eLearning content or classroom training delivered as a flood irrigation generates run-off not results.
We’ve shifted the dial.
Dumping learning objectives in favour of business metrics, Performance Campaigns are the future of workplace learning.
What Are Performance Campaigns?
Performance Campaigns focus on permanent behavioural change using workplace nudges and microlearning experiences delivered over spaced intervals of time.
We understand employees are time poor and tired of traditional learning. Campaigns deliver workplace learning that is engaging, personalised and puts the employee in control.
Using marketing and behavioural economics principles campaigns motivate a combined effort to raise performance. A dual carriageway learning approach encourages employees to perform and supervisors to coach.
For too long we have fooled ourselves with the belief that training enables employee performance. Whether it’s learning how to sell product to a customer, project manage, use a new piece of software, lead employees, training will take care of it. It’s easy for the business to understand and we can confidently execute.
But it’s wrong.”
Learning in the flow of work not away from work
Using a drip feed approach to delivering content, campaigns address one business metric a month. A companion coaching toolkit builds supervisors confidence coaching staff achieve their workplace potential.
Why are performance campaigns so powerful?
It is not a traditional training model. Learning happens on the job with the support of managers.
Performance campaigns support behavioural change by establishing and repeating new habits. All of the learning resources are designed using the employee’s language and style of communication. To understand how performance campaigns can improve your business and achieve results download our recorded webinar.
Performance Campaigns don’t set out to teach.
They create the circumstances from which performance arises.”
– David Becker
Performance Campaigns don’t set out to teach.
They create the circumstances from which performance arises.”
Performance Campaigns are focused on encouraging employees to ‘perform to learn’ rather than ‘learn to perform’.
Campaigns are embedded in the workplace to drive continuous improvement and build a coaching relationship with teams. Performance Campaigns are aligned to key performance indicators or metrics.
Performance Campaigns are particularly effective within a division or team where key performance measures are objective and accurate, and whenever divisional functions are not performing at their peak.
Let’s caffeinate it!
Get together with one of our Learning & Performance Architects to share ideas, discuss problems and identify solutions.
+61 3 9020 7322
+61 3 9020 7322
Why performance campaigns are the future of workplace learning?
Our Learning and Performance Architect, David Becker shares his views in our blog on why he sees performance campaigns forming part of the future of workplace learning.
Let the results speak for themselves.
Read our case study which details the process we went through with our client to deliver outstanding business results.
Transfer the power to staff, giving them a structure and robust toolkit that lets them define and address their own challenges in a supportive and fun format that removes the pressure of traditional performance improvement programs.
Transfer the power to staff, giving them a structure and robust toolkit that lets them define and address their own challenges in a supportive and fun format that removes the pressure of traditional performance improvement programs.
Your Guide to deploying performance campaigns
Now you understand a little more about performance campaigns read our blog:
Let’s caffeinate it!
Get together with one of our Learning & Performance Architects to share ideas, discuss problems and identify solutions.
+61 3 9020 7322
+61 3 9020 7322